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What are the x86 instructions that affect ESP as a side effect?

I know that call and ret will modify the value of esp and that push and pop have a number of variants, but are there other instructions that will affect the stack pointer ?


  • The following instructions modify the stack pointer as an implicit operand1:

    • call
    • enter
    • int n/into/int 3
    • iret/iretd
    • leave
    • pop
    • push
    • ret/retf
    • sysenter
    • sysexit
    • pusha
    • popa
    • pushf/pushfd/pushfq
    • popf/popfd/popfq
    • vmlaunch/vmresume
    • eexit

    Every instruction that can write an arbitrary general-purpose regiser (like imul reg, r/m32, imm8 or add / sub) can write ESP if you want, but it's only interesting to list one where the stack pointer is an operand even if you don't mention it explicitly. I leave to you the burden of telling primary and side effects apart.

    Keep in mind that any instruction capable of generating an exception can potentially modify the stack pointer, at least the kernel stack pointer if not user-space.
    I've not considered such instructions in order to avoid trivializing your question.

    Those are all the instructions I can find by searching the Intel manuals at the time of creation of this answer.
    While I did my best scrutinizing the manuals I wouldn't swear to that list.

    1 Either SP, ESP or RSP.