I am new to chisel and I have designed basic circuits and a simple risc-v processor with it but I still can't figure out how the scope works in Scala/ Chisel. Considering the following simple counter:
package example
import chisel3._
class GenericCounter(n: Int) extends Module {
val io = IO(new Bundle {
val ld = Input(UInt(1.W))
val cld = Input(UInt(log2Ceil(n).W))
val cout = Output(UInt(log2Ceil(n).W))
val cnt = RegInit(0.asUInt(n.W))
when(io.ld === 1.U){
cnt := io.cld
} .otherwise{
cnt := Mux(cnt===100.U, 0.U, cnt + 1.U)
io.cout := cnt
While trying to compile the above code, the compiler give an error that log2ceil is not defined. But if I use util.log2ceil it works fine. This is true for all util functions such as Cat, isPow2 etc. I know that the import chisel3._ should have imported all the necessary functions but it seems that I am missing something here. Can someone help me out?
In Scala, importing all of the contents of a package does not import the contents of any subpackages. Thus if you wish to import the contents of chisel.util
you should also write import chisel3.util._