I have a grid panel with columns containing filters I want to add a hover on the filter. How can I achieve this. I tried adding tooltip it didn't work. Any suggestions please.
If you want to add tooltip on Filters menu item then you can override Ext.grid.filters.Filters
createMenuItem: function (menu, parentTableId) {
var me = this,
// only add separator if there are other menu items
if (menu.items.length) {
me.sep = menu.add('-');
item = menu.add({
checked: false,
itemId: 'filters',
tooltip:'On blank space filters data with empty fields ',
listeners: {
scope: me,
checkchange: me.onCheckChange
return (me.filterMenuItem[parentTableId] = item);
if you want to have tooltip on Search Textbox then following would do:
xtype: 'gridcolumn',
dataIndex: 'myField',
text: 'My Field',
filter: {
type: 'string',
itemDefaults: {
inputAttrTpl: " data-qtip='On blank space filters data with empty fields' ",
Link to forked fiddle : https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/204o Used Ext JS - Neptune