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Refresh a Div that has a Google ad inside it

I have a <div> that holds a google ad. My website is mostly AJAX and there is no need for a browser refresh. That means my ads will not refresh either, which isn't ideal, a user staring at one ad all day.

So I wanted a way to refresh a particular <div> on a page. I found many solutions but they didn't work. For example, using JQuery's html function:

$("#ads").html("google ad script here");

This managed to refresh the whole page no idea how. I can also make an AJAX request to a HTML page that contains the Google ad but I am guessing it will have the same effect as the above attempt.

I do not want to use iFrames.

Is there any other option open to me? My pea brain can not think of anymore. :)


It is allowed since I will be initiating the refresh only when a user clicks a link.

A prime example is Yahoo Mail - their new AJAX mailbox uses this same method, when a user clicks a link then a new ad is shown.


  • As both of the other answers state, refreshing your AdSense advertisements automatically isn't allowed. I understand that you only intend to refresh the ad in response to user action, but it still isn't allowed, even though it should be!

    Remember, the reason why you want to update the advertisements is so that you can show new ones. Displaying an advertisement is called an "impression." When you use code to refresh the ads, you are automatically generating ad impressions.

    AdSense Program Policies state (emphasis mine):

    Invalid Clicks and Impressions

    Clicks on Google ads must result from genuine user interest. Any method that artificially generates clicks or impressions on your Google ads is strictly prohibited. These prohibited methods include but are not limited to repeated manual clicks or impressions, using robots, automated click and impression generating tools, third-party services that generate clicks or impressions such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, autosurf, and click-exchange programs, or any deceptive software.

    Refreshing your advertisements is a violation of the letter of the rule against generating impressions. With that said, I think any reasonable person would agree that refreshing advertisements in an AJAX app in response to user behavior (e.g. in response to a click) isn't a violation of the spirit of the rule.

    For example, imagine rewriting your entire app to stop using AJAX. That's clearly a worse experience for your users (it's slower, the page flashes on every click, the page can't dynamically update in the background), but, by a technicality, it's not a violation of the AdSense Program Policies.

    Clearly Google meant to prohibit automatically replacing the advertisements every five seconds (creating a "slideshow" of advertisements). Google also meant to prohibit making your site look more attractive to advertisers by appearing to have more visits than you actually have. I'm sure they didn't intend to prevent you from designing a high-performance AJAX website... but unfortunately sometimes rules have unintended consequences.

    Of course, as you originally pointed out, you CAN still refresh your advertisements if you embed them in an iframe and modify its location. (Here's how to use iframes in an AJAX application to refresh AdSense.)

    You rejected iframes in your initial question, perhaps because you knew that using iframes would violate Google's policies... but if you insist on breaking the rules, you might as well break them all the way! ;-)

    Ultimately, I think you'll find that generating impressions this way isn't worth the risk: you'll "refresh" the ads only to find that Google is just showing you the exact same ads as before.