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Visual Studio toolchain in Eclipse for C++

I have Eclipse Neon.2 installed for Java, however, I am working on a project that involves JNI so I have had to set up Eclipse for C++. To do this I downloaded the Development Tools for C++ under Help -> Install New Software. My problem is there are no available toolchains available for my C++ project.

Several websites and YouTube videos have suggested that there is a Microsoft Visual C++ toolchain available, such as this SO question and this video, but I have had no success.

Is there a setup stage or plugin I could have missed that is causing it not to be listed?

Windows 10
Eclipse Neon.2
Microsoft Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 RC


  • Well, I think you should install either windows SDK 7, 8 or Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools.

    I tested windows SDK 7 with eclipse neon. You can find a quick installation guide here.

    but I don't know what will happen with Visual C++ 2015 Build Tools. This tools is introduced in my blog - even written in korean but with full of images.

    Then, you can find my another answer.

    Finally, you have two check points comparing with what you have done.

    The one is

    enter image description here

    Anther one is

    enter image description here