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Layering annotations for JFreeChart

Im trying to layer annotations on my JFreeChart. Currently the annotations appear above my graph, but I want them to appear bellow the point.

xyPlot.addAnnotation(MECamVisArea, Layer.BACKGROUND);

When I enter this line, I get an error message that says incompatible type layer can't be converted to Boolean. I'll leave my full annotation code bellow.

XYPolygonAnnotation MECamVisArea = new XYPolygonAnnotation(new double[]{0.0, 0.0,
    defaultPosX, (defaultPosX*tan(0.907571)), defaultPosX, -(defaultPosX*tan(0.907571))}) {

    public void draw(Graphics2D g2, XYPlot plot, Rectangle2D dataArea, ValueAxis
        domainAxis, ValueAxis rangeAxis, int rendererIndex, PlotRenderingInfo info) {
    Graphics2D g22 = (Graphics2D) g2.create();
    g22.setXORMode(new Color(0xff3300));
    super.draw(g22, plot, dataArea, domainAxis, rangeAxis, rendererIndex, info);

xyPlot.addAnnotation(MECamVisArea, Layer.BACKGROUND);


  • As shown here, you are adding your XYPolygonAnnotation to an XYPlot, which offers an addAnnotation() method that expects a boolean parameter. Instead, add the annotation to your chosen XYItemRenderer, which offer an addAnnotation() method that expects an org.jfree.ui.Layer parameter.