I have to implement a function that returns (month to month) the starting date and the final date of the last 12 months. For example:
In May of this year I want to show as a result:
01/05/2016 00: 00: 00: 000T / 30/04/2017 23: 59: 59: 999T.
I created the following function, wanted to ask if this is correct or is there another simpler solution?
public Interval getPeriod() {
MutableDateTime fromDateTime = new MutableDateTime(new DateTime().withTimeAtStartOfDay());
fromDateTime.addMonths(-12); // Start Month
fromDateTime.setDayOfMonth(1); // First day start month
MutableDateTime toDateTime = new MutableDateTime(new DateTime().withTimeAtStartOfDay());
toDateTime.addMonths(-1); // last month
toDateTime.setDayOfMonth(1); // firt day last month
DateTime firstDayStart = fromDateTime.toDateTime();
DateTime firstDayLastMonth = toDateTime.toDateTime();
DateTime lastDayLastMonth = firstDayLastMonth.dayOfMonth().withMaximumValue();
DateTime lastInstantLastMonth = lastDayLastMonth.withTime(23, 59, 59, 999);
log.debug("start: {} end: {}",firstDayStart, lastInstantLastMonth);
return new Interval(firstDayStart, lastInstantLastMonth);
A simpler solution would be to not create lots of MutableDateTime
instances and use only DateTime
's methods:
public Interval getPeriod() {
DateTime d = new DateTime(); // current date
DateTime start = d.withDayOfMonth(1).minusMonths(12) // day 1 of 12 months ago
.withTimeAtStartOfDay(); // start date
DateTime end = d.minusMonths(1) // previous month
.dayOfMonth().withMaximumValue() // last day of month
.withTime(23, 59, 59, 999); // end date
return new Interval(start, end);