I am debugging my java application and added a "Start Recording Marker" {1} and an "End Recording Marker" {2} (in source code right click -> Breakpoint -> Add ... Marker).
I also had to add a normal Breakpoint {3} because if I don't, the application gets stuck somewhere in the start up. (StartingFrame is displayed, so a part of the code got executed, but not all of it.)
When I then press the play button {4} in the "Record & Analyze" Window and select the correct Recording Set, I see in the Debug console that the recording is started and later ended {5}. The debugged application itself starts successfully.
However, in the "Record & Analyze" Window it still says "There are no items to show in this view." {6}
How can I get the recorded method calls to be displayed there?
In the end, I want to generate a Sequence Diagram from those recordings. (like here)
Images (for the numbers in the { }):
Asked the Sparx Support:
The debugger is failing to resolve UNC paths for source files. So, the only workaround is to build it locally, or set up a symbolic link on the laptop to the UNC path and use that.
My source files are at: //chca6021.eur.beluni.net/a469627$/Documents/workspace/HelloWorld
Moving the project to a local directory (under C:/) solved the problem.