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How do I request a single random row from a database in SOQL?

Total row-count is in the range 10k-100k rows. Can I use RAND() on Unfortunately although all the rows have a unique numeric identifier, there are many gaps, and I'd often want to select a random row from a filtered subset anyway.

I suspect there's no particularly efficient way to do this, but is it possible at all?

Ultimately all I want to do is to extract one row from a table (or a subset based on specific filter criteria) at random.

If doesn't let me select a random row, then can I query the rows to select from, and assign sequential IDs to all the rows, say 1-1,035, and then select a random number in that range locally, say 349, and then get row 349?


  • No, you can't use ORDER BY RAND() or something like that. You can sort by real field (optionally with NULLS LAST etc.). You could use LIMIT, GROUP BY & HAVING though as well as MIN, MAX, COUNT...

    Maybe if you'd write more about the purpose for which you need to display a random row... Otherwise what's wrong with ORDER BY LastModifiedDate DESC LIMIT 1? Or selecting 100 rows and showing random row with Math.random() or Crypto.getRandomInteger() modulo 100?