My graph is not correctly parsing the time. The x-axis consists of unix timestamps and my goal is to display it in M-D format in the users local time. For some reason, all dates are showing as 01/18
Full code at JSFiddle:
Graph code:
var data = [[1492854610, -1240],[1492939020, -1273],[1493025073, -1279],[1493117066, -1186],[1493198484, -1269],[1493289175, 1198],[1493370646, -1280],[1493458518, -1255],[1493543731, -1275],[1493630250, -1273],[1493716306, -1279],[1493803609, -1264],[1493889258, -1276],[1493975557, -1278],[1494064529, -1235],[1494155440, -1160],[1494237980, -1224],[1494321047, -1280],[1494407990, -1271],[1494494125, -1275],[1494581609, -1257],[1494668321, -1252],[1494753220, -1277],[1494847855, -1140],[1494925963, -1278],[1495012537, -1275],[1495099289, -1269],[1495188205, -1227],[1495273568, -1244],[1495358329, -1272]];
var ticks = [];
var abovePoints = [];
var belowPoints = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
data = [
{ label: null, data: data, points: {show:false} },
{ label: null, data: data, points: {show:true}, lines: {show:false}}
$.plot('#placeholder', data, {
grid: {
hoverable: true,
markings: [
{ color: '#000', lineWidth: 1, yaxis: { from: 0, to: 0 } },
series: {
color: '#f36b6b',
lines: {
show: true,
fill: true
points: {
show: true
threshold: {
below: 0,
color: '#56af45'
xaxis: {
mode: "time",
timeformat: "%m-%e"
JavaScript timestamp are in milliseconds while UNIX timestamps are in seconds. You need to multiply your timestamps with one thousand:
var data = [[1492854610000, -1240],[1492939020000, -1273],[1493025073000, -1279],[1493117066000, -1186],[1493198484000, -1269],[1493289175000, 1198],[1493370646000, -1280],[1493458518000, -1255],[1493543731000, -1275],[1493630250000, -1273],[1493716306000, -1279],[1493803609000, -1264],[1493889258000, -1276],[1493975557000, -1278],[1494064529000, -1235],[1494155440000, -1160],[1494237980000, -1224],[1494321047000, -1280],[1494407990000, -1271],[1494494125000, -1275],[1494581609000, -1257],[1494668321000, -1252],[1494753220000, -1277],[1494847855000, -1140],[1494925963000, -1278],[1495012537000, -1275],[1495099289000, -1269],[1495188205000, -1227],[1495273568000, -1244],[1495358329000, -1272]];
See the documentation for more information. Updated fiddle: