Search code examples

Concatenate field from multiple rows into single field

Barriers: I can't CREATE anything. No GTT's, PROCs, etc. I'm querying an Exadata data lake and whatever script I create will be executed from Toad or SQL Developer.

I have a SELECT query that returns 3 rows:

  • Date
  • IDKey

for each Date, IDKey, there are likely a dozen or so EVENT's. Example:

10/17/2016  300328  EVENT1    
10/17/2016  300328  EVENT3    
10/17/2016  300328  EVENT4    
10/17/2016  300440  EVENT1    
10/17/2016  300440  EVENT2    
10/17/2016  300440  EVENT5 

On a given DATE, an IDKey can have multiple EVENTS, each generating a new row.

Goal: to create a single row that groups DATE and IDKEY, concatenating all unique EVENTS into a single field;

10/17/2016 300328 'EVENT1 | EVENT3 | EVENT4'    
10/17/2016 300440 'EVENT1 | EVENT2 | EVENT5'


  • Looks like a group by with listagg:

    with demo (dt, id, event) as
       ( select date '2016-10-17', 300328, 'EVENT1' from dual union all
         select date '2016-10-17', 300328, 'EVENT3' from dual union all
         select date '2016-10-17', 300328, 'EVENT4' from dual union all
         select date '2016-10-17', 300440, 'EVENT1' from dual union all
         select date '2016-10-17', 300440, 'EVENT2' from dual union all
         select date '2016-10-17', 300440, 'EVENT5' from dual 
    select dt, id
         , listagg(event, '|') within group (order by event) as events
    from   demo
    group by dt, id;
    DT                  ID EVENTS
    ----------- ---------- --------------------------------
    17/10/2016      300328 EVENT1|EVENT3|EVENT4
    17/10/2016      300440 EVENT1|EVENT2|EVENT5

    There could he problems if there are a huge number of eventnos.