Well I am doing a VR application that displays some images. I am using VrPanoramaView.
Any way when I launch the activity to open it in vr mode? Instead of clicking on the button of VR of the panoView
Here's my code:
public class MainVrActivity extends Activity
private VrPanoramaView panoWidgetView;
private ImageLoaderTask backgroundImageLoaderTask;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
panoWidgetView = (VrPanoramaView) findViewById(R.id.pano_view);
public void onPause() {
public void onResume() {
public void onDestroy() {
// Destroy the widget and free memory.
private synchronized void loadPanoImage() {
ImageLoaderTask task = backgroundImageLoaderTask;
if (task != null && !task.isCancelled()) {
// Cancel any task from a previous loading.
// pass in the name of the image to load from assets.
VrPanoramaView.Options viewOptions = new VrPanoramaView.Options();
viewOptions.inputType = VrPanoramaView.Options.TYPE_STEREO_OVER_UNDER;
// use the name of the image in the assets/ directory.
String panoImageName = "Converted.jpg";
// create the task passing the widget view and call execute to start.
task = new ImageLoaderTask(panoWidgetView, viewOptions, panoImageName);
backgroundImageLoaderTask = task;
public class ImageLoaderTask extends AsyncTask<AssetManager, Void, Bitmap> {
/*We use a WeakReference for the VrPanoramaView since the view could be destroyed while loading the image.
*A common cause of this is rotating the phone to another orientation. By using a weak reference,
*the object can be garbage collected immediately instead of waiting for this async task to be destroyed.
private static final String TAG = "ImageLoaderTask";
private final String assetName;
private final WeakReference<VrPanoramaView> viewReference;
private final VrPanoramaView.Options viewOptions;
private static WeakReference<Bitmap> lastBitmap = new WeakReference<>(null);
private static String lastName;
protected Bitmap doInBackground(AssetManager... params) {
AssetManager assetManager = params[0];
if (assetName.equals(lastName) && lastBitmap.get() != null) {
return lastBitmap.get();
try(InputStream istr = assetManager.open(assetName)) {
Bitmap b = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(istr);
lastBitmap = new WeakReference<>(b);
lastName = assetName;
return b;
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Could not decode default bitmap: " + e);
return null;
//Displaying the image
protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap bitmap) {
final VrPanoramaView vw = viewReference.get();
if (vw != null && bitmap != null) {
vw.loadImageFromBitmap(bitmap, viewOptions);
public ImageLoaderTask(VrPanoramaView view, VrPanoramaView.Options viewOptions, String assetName) {
viewReference = new WeakReference<>(view);
this.viewOptions = viewOptions;
this.assetName = assetName;
You can set the display mode with VrWidgetView#setDisplayMode