I'm using Embedded Glassfish to do some In-Container-Tests with Arquillian. Now, when my test fails, i always get stacktraces from the tests that are cluttered with Arquillian-specific stuff. But there are few informations about what the real reason for failing tests is. With regular Glassfish, i could check the server.log for more informations. Unfortunately, Embedded Glassfish seems not to provide a Server.log. I also looked into the temporary directory that is created by Arquillian/Embedded Glassfish, but it doesn't contain any logfiles.
How can i activate logging in Embedded Glassfish?
By the way, i have the following dependencies in my pom:
I had a lot of difficulty with exactly the same problem using arquillian , testng and embedded glassfish. After a few hours I managed to get it working
What I found was that arquillian has a dependency on version 1.5.9.RC1 of slf4j-simple which uses the slf4j-api.
To get it working I added the property
and the dependencies
and then under dependency management
once I had this I added my usual log4j.properties file to src/test/resources and everything worked fine.