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Cannot find required version of java tm runtime environment when trying to install Glassfish

I installed NetBeans and I installed jdk 20.

But when I try installing glassfish 3.2.2 I get the following error: "Could not find required version of java(TM) runtime environment in 'C:\ProgramFiles\Java\jdk-20'"

See snapshot of error message

When I run java -version it seems like everything is installed correctly.

See snapshot of java -version result

I tried setting JAVA_HOME to the jdk path and adding %JAVA_HOME5\bin to PATH at the top of the list.

I also tried uninstalling a different version jre that was installed and uninstalling the sdk and reinstalling it.

Nothing of the above helped. What is the problem?


  • ensure that the JDK version you're using is compatible with GlassFish 3.2.2. You can consult the GlassFish documentation or system requirements for more information on compatible versions.