I have the following document
in a collection called Users
in MongoDB. I am trying to insert a <SpecificBeer>
into beersInCellar[]
of the mycellar
. I've tried all kinds of combinations in the filter
and update
objects but just can't wrap my head around inserting into a nested array. I know how to find
a document
and insert things into it, just not into an array in that document.
"_id" : ObjectId("5920751b6d4f6a27cf7985a8"),
"name" : "FullName",
"emailAddress" : "emailaddress@example.com",
"cellars" : [
"cellarId" : "mycellar",
"cellarName" : "My Cellar",
"beersInCellar" : [ ]
SpecificBeer model:
public class SpecificBeer
public string ourid
return ID.ToString();
ID = ObjectId.Parse(value);
private ObjectId ID {get; set;}
public string year { get; set; }
public string variant { get; set; }
public string quantity { get; set; }
public string numberForTrade { get; set; }
Insert method
public async Task<SpecificBeer> AddBeerToList(string id, SpecificBeer specificBeer, string cellarId)
var filter = Builders<User>.Filter.Eq(e => e.userId, id) & Builders<User>.Filter.Eq(e => e.cellars, cellarId);
var update = Builders<Cellar>.Update.Push<SpecificBeer>(e => e.beersInCellar, specificBeer);
await _collection.FindOneAndUpdateAsync(filter, update);
return specificBeer;
You have to use $positional operator.
You've to include the field(cellarId
) from the cellars
for mongoDB to locate the index of element and replace the placeholder($
) with the found index from query part in the update part to push the element in beersInCellar
Something like
var filter = Builders<User>.Filter.Eq(e => e.name, "FullName") & Builders<User>.Filter.ElemMatch(e => e.cellars, Builders<Cellar>.Filter.Eq(e => e.cellarId, "mycellar"));
var update = Builders<User>.Update.Push(e => e.cellars[-1].beersInCellar, specificBeer);
Shell Query for reference:
db.collection.update({"name" : "FullName", "cellars":{$elemMatch:{"cellarId":"mycellar"}}},{$push:{"cellars.$.beersInCellar":{"quantity":1, "year":1986}}})
MongoDB doesn't have first class support for updating fields ( for example quantity
) in the nesting arrays inside arrays.
You can track the jira which is going to allow multiple level updates.
You may want to revisit your structure for now. Try promoting the beersInCellar
arrays to top level.