I have my NODE-RED schemma:
following string result from my "Function" node my node:
msg.payload : string[63]
This is the code of my "Function Node":
return msg;
I need to put in "part of the string" (not all) like this =>{"date":"22:55","random":21} and show it in my browser like a webpage but not using html tags.
Like this:
Any help will be wellcome.
I have added template(Mustache) and I am traying to bring data to it,(Note:http response is already in schemme but not shown here)
I am traying to bring data here (template). But I get error.
The Mustache template body is:
This is the payload: {{#payload.randomandandtime.random}} !
But I have back this error back:
2017-5-18 16:18:00node: Mustachemsg : string[56]
"Unclosed section "payload.randomandandtime.random" at 59"
In browser I get
502 Bad Gateway: Registered endpoint failed to handle the request.
Even If I change it only payload.randomandandtime I get empty:
In browser & console:
Messsage received back: (empty) This is the payload: !
Finally I solved in this way. I make all in one Global varaible instead 2 global variables. I passed it to mustache template and in Mustache I worked with context in order to get it.
Then in recoverydata:
msg.payload = context.global.get("randomtime");
In My Mustache:
Last random number request returned {{&payload.random}}, which was received
at {{&payload.randomtime.times}}{{/payload.random}}
The resul of it is a Webservice not using HTML and this is:
"Time last server time request received at 13:14 Last random number request returned 94, which was received at 13:14"