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How to forward the logs if all the logs of a file is in single line?

I am facing some trouble to forward the logs from rsyslog to logstash i wrote this grok filter but it is not working.maybe the problem is that, server is writing the all logs in a single line.

(?<AUDIt_LOG>[(0-9A-U]{0,4})(?<DATE>[0-9A-F]{8})%{INT:Log_Code}(?<Type>[a-zA-Z]{0,5})%{NOTSPACE:ServiceName} %{SPACE} %{NOTSPACE:Host} %{SPACE} %{WORD:Bank}&&%{WORD:BANK2}%{SPACE} %{WORD:USERNAME}

please follow this link for sample log.


  • You should have each log per line for sure. Also you could use the Grok debugger to make sure that logs get parsed properly.

    Grok debugger on Heroku