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Invalidate an element forming a path if it is surrounded

I'm building a 2D grid game composed of cells in which players have to put tokens and try to contain (encircle) the opponent's tokens. Now each cell can have 3 states: empty, contains a red token or contains a blue token.

All cells that can form a "path" are in a list, and along that path I can draw lines (polygons) passing by the center of cells. Also there is a list of contained tokens, the one being encircled,

Now I want to find a way to "invalidate" an encircled token so it can be ignored by path calculations

See examples below:

  1. Blue tokens are encircled first, they cannot be apart of any further path calculation.

enter image description here

  1. This cannot be allowed. First to contain, first to win.

enter image description here

All codes below are from the path class:

class Path extends Stack<int[]>{

    private Token[][] grid;

    //a path shorter than min can not surround any cell
    private static final int MIN_PATH_LEGTH = 3;

    //a collection of cells that has been tested
    private ArrayList<int[]>checked;

    //represents the cell where the search starts from
    int[] origin;
    //represents the token of the origin
    Token originToken;

    private int rows;
    private int cols;

    //represents the path bounds: min/max row/col in path
    private int minPathRow, maxPathRow, minPathCol, maxPathCol;

    Path(Token[][] grid){

        this.grid = grid;
        rows = grid.length;
        cols = grid[0].length;

    //search for a path
    boolean findPath(int[] origin) {

        this.origin = origin;

        int row = origin[0] , col =  origin[1];

        //represents the token of the origin
        originToken = grid[row][col];

        //initialize list of checked items
        checked = new  CellsList();

        boolean found = findPath(row, col);

        if(found) {
        } else {
            System.out.println("No path found");

        return found;

    //recursive method to find path. a cell is represented by its row, col
    //returns true when path was found
    private boolean findPath(int row, int col) {

        //check if cell has the same token as origin
        if(grid[row][col] != originToken) {
            return false;

        int[] cell = new int[] {row, col};

        //check if this cell was tested before to avoid checking again
        if(checked.contains(cell)) {
            return false;

        //get cells neighbors
        CellsList neighbors = getNeighbors(row, col);

        //check if solution found. If path size > min and cell
        //neighbors contain the origin it means that path was found
        if((size() >= MIN_PATH_LEGTH) && neighbors.contains(origin)  ) {

            return true;

        //add cell to checked

        //add cell to path

        //if path was not found check cell neighbors
        for(int[] neighbor : neighbors ) {

            boolean found = findPath(neighbor[0],neighbor[1]);
            if(found) {
                return true;

        //path not found
        pop(); //remove last element from stack
        return false;

    //use for testing
    private void printPath() {

        System.out.print("Path : " );
        for(int[] cell : this) {

        List<int[]> containedCells = getContainedWithin();

        System.out.print(containedCells.size() +" cell contained : " );
        for(int[] cell : containedCells) {

    CellsList getPath() {

        CellsList cl = new CellsList();
        return cl;

The code below finds the neighbors of a cell (

//return a list of all neighbors of cell row, col
        private CellsList getNeighbors(int  row, int col) {

            CellsList neighbors = new CellsList();

            for (int colNum = col - 1 ; colNum <= (col + 1) ; colNum +=1  ) {

                for (int rowNum = row - 1 ; rowNum <= (row + 1) ; rowNum +=1  ) {

                    if(!((colNum == col) && (rowNum == row))) {

                        if(isWithinGrid (rowNum, colNum )  ) {

                            neighbors.add( new int[] {rowNum, colNum});


            return neighbors;

        private boolean isWithinGrid(int colNum, int rowNum) {

            if((colNum < 0) || (rowNum <0) ) {
                return false;
            if((colNum >= cols) || (rowNum >= rows)) {
                return false;
            return true;

The below code finds all bounded cell by a path (all contained or encircled tokens) and their token is of the opposite color of the path:

List<int[]> getContainedWithin() {

        //find path max and min X values, max and min Y values
        minPathRow = grid[0].length; //set min to the largest possible value
        maxPathCol = grid.length;
        maxPathRow = 0;              //set max to the largest possible value
        maxPathCol = 0;

        //find the actual min max x y values of the path
        for (int[] cell : this) {
            minPathRow = Math.min(minPathRow, cell[0]);
            minPathCol = Math.min(minPathCol, cell[1]);
            maxPathRow = Math.max(maxPathRow, cell[0]);
            maxPathCol = Math.max(maxPathCol, cell[1]);

        List<int[]> block = new ArrayList<>(25);
        int[] cell = get(0);//get an arbitrary cell in the path
        Token pathToken = grid[cell[0]][cell[1]]; //keep a reference to its token

        //iterate over all cells within path x, y limits
        for (int col = minPathCol; col < (maxPathCol); col++) {

            for (int row = minPathRow; row < (maxPathRow); row++) {

                //check cell color
                Token token = grid[row][col];
                if ((token == pathToken) || (token == Token.VIDE)) {
                if (isWithinLoop(row,col)) {
                    block.add(new int[] {row, col});

        return block;

    //check if row, col represent a cell within path by checking if it has a 
    //path-cell to its left, right, top and bottom 
    private boolean isWithinLoop(int row, int col) {

        if(  isPathCellOnLeft(row, col)
             isPathCellOnRight(row, col)
             isPathCellOnTop(row, col)
             isPathCellOnBottom(row, col)
          ) {
            return true;

        return false;

If you need more elements, just let me now, I'll update with the necessary.


  • This requirement means that previous paths, affect current path calculations.
    It can be achieved in many ways. The easiest, within current program structure could be adding a static collection of contained cells in all paths.
    See allContainedWithin and the way it is used in the code.
    Also note that I refactored getContainedWithin() to be a getter, and moved its functionality to a new method findContainedWithin(). All changes have no effect on other classes.

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Arrays;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.util.Stack;
    //a stack representing cells in the path
    //each cell represented by [row,col]
    class Path extends Stack<int[]>{
        private Token[][] grid;
        //a path shorter than min can not surround any cell
        private static final int MIN_PATH_LEGTH = 3;
        //a collection of cells that has been tested
        private ArrayList<int[]>checked;
        //represents the cell where the search starts from
        int[] origin;
        //represents the token of the origin
        Token originToken;
        private int rows;
        private int cols;
        //represents the path bounds: min/max row/col in path
        private int minPathRow, maxPathRow, minPathCol, maxPathCol;
        //a collection of all cells that are bounded by the path
        //and their token is of the opposite color of the path
        private List<int[]> containedWithin;
        //a STATIC collection that holds all containedWithin cells, of
        //current and previous paths
        private static CellsList allContainedWithin = new CellsList();
        Path(Token[][] grid){
            this.grid = grid;
            rows = grid.length;
            cols = grid[0].length;
        //search for a path
        boolean findPath(int[] origin) {
            this.origin = origin;
            int row = origin[0] , col =  origin[1];
            //represents the token of the origin
            originToken = grid[row][col];
            //initialize list of checked items
            checked = new  CellsList();
            boolean found = findPath(row, col);
            if(found) {
                //find bounded cells
                //update the collection all
            } else {
                System.out.println("No path found");
            return found;
        //recursive method to find path. a cell is represented by its row, col
        //returns true when path was found
        private boolean findPath(int row, int col) {
            //check if cell has the same token as origin
            if(grid[row][col] != originToken) {
                return false;
            int[] cell = new int[] {row, col};
            //check if this cell was tested before to avoid checking again
            if(checked.contains(cell)) {
                return false;
            //check if this cell was contained in previously calculated paths
            if(allContainedWithin.contains(cell)) {
                return false;
            //get cells neighbors
            CellsList neighbors = getNeighbors(row, col);
            //check if solution found. If path size > min and cell
            //neighbors contain the origin it means that path was found
            if((size() >= MIN_PATH_LEGTH) && neighbors.contains(origin)  ) {
                return true;
            //add cell to checked
            //add cell to path
            //if path was not found check cell neighbors
            for(int[] neighbor : neighbors ) {
                boolean found = findPath(neighbor[0],neighbor[1]);
                if(found) {
                    return true;
            //path not found
            pop(); //remove last element from stack
            return false;
        //return a list of all neighbors of cell row, col
        private CellsList getNeighbors(int  row, int col) {
            CellsList neighbors = new CellsList();
            for (int colNum = col - 1 ; colNum <= (col + 1) ; colNum +=1  ) {
                for (int rowNum = row - 1 ; rowNum <= (row + 1) ; rowNum +=1  ) {
                    if(!((colNum == col) && (rowNum == row))) {
                        if(isWithinGrid (rowNum, colNum )  ) {
                            neighbors.add( new int[] {rowNum, colNum});
            return neighbors;
        private boolean isWithinGrid(int colNum, int rowNum) {
            if((colNum < 0) || (rowNum <0) ) {
                return false;
            if((colNum >= cols) || (rowNum >= rows)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        //use for testing
        private void printPath() {
            System.out.print("Path : " );
            for(int[] cell : this) {
            List<int[]> containedCells = getContainedWithin();
            System.out.print(containedCells.size()+" cell contained : " );
            for(int[] cell : containedCells) {
        CellsList getPath() {
            CellsList cl = new CellsList();
            return cl;
        //finds all cells that are bounded by the path
        //and their token is of the opposite color of the path
        private void findContainedWithin() {
            containedWithin = new ArrayList<>();
            //find path max and min X values, max and min Y values
            minPathRow = grid[0].length; //set min to the largest possible value
            maxPathCol = grid.length;
            maxPathRow = 0;              //set max to the largest possible value
            maxPathCol = 0;
            //find the actual min max x y values of the path
            for (int[] cell : this) {
                minPathRow = Math.min(minPathRow, cell[0]);
                minPathCol = Math.min(minPathCol, cell[1]);
                maxPathRow = Math.max(maxPathRow, cell[0]);
                maxPathCol = Math.max(maxPathCol, cell[1]);
            //todo remove after testing
            System.out.println("x range: "+minPathRow + "-"
            + maxPathRow + " y range: " + minPathCol + "-" + maxPathCol);
            int[] cell = get(0);//get an arbitrary cell in the path
            Token pathToken = grid[cell[0]][cell[1]]; //keep a reference to its token
            //iterate over all cells within path x, y limits
            for (int col = minPathCol; col < (maxPathCol); col++) {
                for (int row = minPathRow; row < (maxPathRow); row++) {
                    //check cell color
                    Token token = grid[row][col];
                    if ((token == pathToken) || (token == Token.VIDE)) {
                    if (isWithinLoop(row,col)) {
                        containedWithin.add(new int[] {row, col});
        //returns a collection of all cells that are bounded by the path
        //and their token is of the opposite color of the path
        List<int[]> getContainedWithin() {
            return containedWithin;
        //check if row, col represent a cell with in path by checking if it has a
        //path-cell to its left, right, top and bottom
        private boolean isWithinLoop(int row, int col) {
            if(  isPathCellOnLeft(row, col)
                 isPathCellOnRight(row, col)
                 isPathCellOnTop(row, col)
                 isPathCellOnBottom(row, col)
              ) {
                return true;
            return false;
        private boolean isPathCellOnLeft(int cellRow, int cellCol) {
            for ( int col = minPathCol; col < cellCol ; col++) {
                if(getPath().contains(new int[] {cellRow, col})) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        private boolean isPathCellOnRight(int cellRow, int cellCol) {
            for ( int col = cellCol; col <= maxPathCol ; col++) {
                if(getPath().contains(new int[] {cellRow, col})) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        private boolean isPathCellOnTop(int cellRow, int cellCol) {
            for ( int row =minPathRow; row < cellRow ; row++) {
                if(getPath().contains(new int[] {row, cellCol})) {
                    return true;
            return false;
        private boolean isPathCellOnBottom(int cellRow, int cellCol) {
            for ( int row = cellRow; row <= maxPathRow; row++) {
                if(getPath().contains(new int[] {row, cellCol})) {
                    return true;
            return false;

    Note that I only run some basic testing like : enter image description here