I am writing a recipe in chef, where in I am updating a file with ruby_block resource. Every time I do a convergence it adds up the same line at the end of the file.
To make it idempotent I added a not if guard as well, but still it doesn't work.
ruby_block 'edit httpd conf' do
block do
rc = Chef::Util::FileEdit.new('/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf')
"IncludeOptional sites-enabled/*.conf")
not_if "grep \"IncludeOptional\ssites-enabled\/\*\.conf\"
There are 2 things that is not clear to me.
First when I am using insert line if no match then why is it not checking the regex and updating the file.
Second why is not_if guard not working properly.
I may be wrong with regex here and I have read at several places not to use this kind of methods for file editing, but i wanted to append something to file here.
Please guide me a better way of appending to a file or replacing something in the file with updated value also.
not_if { File.open('/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf').lines.any?{|line| line.include?('IncludeOptional sites-enabled')} }
It works this way using not_if guard, which evaluates a file line by line and return boolean if the line exists.
Insert line if no match should work, but dont know why it does not work