I've seen many post, but they just mention the part how to change the language from the activities, but not where they have located the language in their android project. Also in the official Android developer guide it it said to create a new directory, e.i. "values-es", but I just want to change the language (string.xml), not all the other XML I have located inside the "value" directory (colors.xml, styles.xml, etc).
So, what changes should I made to my android project in order to add new "string.xml" files with different languages? Do I have to do as said in the Android developers guide and create a new "values" folder even that means repeat common XML files? This sounds to me like isn't what I need, that can be acomplished with an easier way.
You don't really have to copy nothing except strings.xml
. This should work just fine:
- res
- ...
- values
- styles.xml
- colors.xml
- dimens.xml
- strings.xml
- ...
- values-es
- strings.xml