It is a simple question, but I could not found the answer for it for 2h by now.
Here is my code
<p-column field="status" header="Status" [sortable]="true" [style]="{'width':'7%'}">
<ng-template let-col="rowData" pTemplate type="body">
<div [ngClass]="{
'stopped': (col.status == 'PARADO'),
'programmed': (col.status == 'PROGRAMADO'),
'production': (col.status == 'PRODUZINDO'),
'completed': (col.status == 'FINALIZADO')
}">{{ col.status }}
As you can see I am using a class(stopped, programmed, ...) to color the div inside the p-column, but I actually need to color the p-column itself, not the div inside it.
Hope you guys can help me, thanks.
If you look under the "Attributes" section there is a style, styleClass, and rowStyleClass attribute you can apply. You could try using one of those? Hopefully that works.
Or have you tried styling p-column directly in your CSS? Such as:
p-column {background-color:red;}