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How to get a File() or Blob() from an URL in javascript?

I try to upload an image to the Firebase storage from an URL (with ref().put(file))(

To do so i need a File or Blob, but whenever I try new File(url) it says "not enough arguments“…

EDIT: And I actually want to upload a whole directory of files, that’s why i can’t upload them via Console


  • Try using the fetch API. You can use it like so:

      .then(res => res.blob()) // Gets the response and returns it as a blob
      .then(blob => {
        // Here's where you get access to the blob
        // And you can use it for whatever you want
        // Like calling ref().put(blob)
        // Here, I use it to make an image appear on the page
        let objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
        let myImage = new Image();
        myImage.src = objectURL;
    <div id="myImg"></div>

    As of January 2024, the fetch API has about 98% browser support worldwide, with basically just IE missing it. You can get that to near 100% using a polyfill, which I recommend if you're still targeting IE.