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Symfony2 - assets not loaded when use_controller is set to false

I dumped assetics and set use_controller to false in config.yml:

    debug:          '%kernel.debug%'
    use_controller: false
        cssrewrite: ~

But now assets are not loaded! Shouldn't use_controller be used for dynamic loading when assetics are not dumped?

I load assets in twig like this:

{% stylesheets filter='scssphp' output='css/style.css'
    <link href="{{ asset_url }}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen"/>
{% endstylesheets %}

What am I missing?


  • I think you forgot to tell wich bundles to load

        debug:          '%kernel.debug%'
        use_controller: false
        bundles:        [ AppBundle, AnotherBundle ]

    Also don't forget to run assets:install

    php app/console assets:install web --symlink --relative

    NOTE: --symlink --relative won't work in Windows