The problem that'll be described relates to my previous question: string.withCString and UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: cstring) wrapped into a function which was my first approach to handle nil Strings (by putting withCString into a function) and to a question which Mecki asked: Why can't I pass an optional Swift String to C function that allows NULL pointers?
Imagine there is a c-function like:
unsigned long randomSign(char *pin, char *tag_signature, char *tag_data, char *xyz);
I know that the function works correctly if I wrap 4 string.withCString closures around the corresponding swift function:
// pin, tag_signature, tag_data and xyz are optional Strings so they may be nil which is a problem for my result.
// corresponding swift function:
// randomSign(pin: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!, tag_signature: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!, tag_data: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!, xyz: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>!)
let result = pin.withCString { s1 in return
tag_signature.withCString {s2 in return
tag_data.withCString {s3 in return
xyz.withCString { s4 in return
randomSign(UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: s1), UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: s2), UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: s3), UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: s4))
And so Martin R replied to an easier example, that it is not needed to wrap the closures around randomSign(arguments) and UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: ...) because it can also take the strings and converts it. But when I drop the closures and use it as Martin R described, it worked at the first launch on the simulator directly after starting the mac, but on consecutive calls of the randomSign-Function the return would tell me that for example the tag_signature or the pin would be invalid (but it actually is valid and I don't know why?!).
This leads me to the problem that I need the withCString closures (at the moment) but I have to handle nil-Strings, which would result the app to crash when it shall return the result because it couldn't evaluate the randomSign-Function.
So I tried to fit the approach below (also suggested by @Martin R) to Swift 3, but I did not workout to adapt it.
//Swift-2 written by Martin R
protocol CStringConvertible {
func withCString<Result>(@noescape f: UnsafePointer<Int8> throws -> Result) rethrows -> Result
extension String: CStringConvertible { }
extension Optional where Wrapped: CStringConvertible {
func withOptionalCString<Result>(@noescape f: UnsafePointer<Int8> -> Result) -> Result {
if let string = self {
return string.withCString(f)
} else {
return f(nil)
//Swift 3: ???
If anyone can tell me, why my function only works out when I use withCString but not when I dismiss it, I would be very grateful and also if anyone knows how to solve the issue, i.e. correctly translating the swift-2 code to working swift-3 code.
The problem with
let result = randomSign(UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: pin),
UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: tag_signature),
UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: tag_data),
UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: xyz))
is that the temporary UTF-8 representation created from the Swift
strings is valid only during each call of UnsafeMutablePointer()
but not necessarily still valid during the call of randomSign()
(So my final suggestion in
was actually not correct, I have updated that part).
A possible Swift 3 version of the wrapper in is
extension Optional where Wrapped == String {
func withOptionalCString<Result>(_ f: (UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?) -> Result) -> Result {
if let string = self {
return string.withCString { f(UnsafeMutablePointer(mutating: $0)) }
} else {
return f(nil)
This handles both the optionality and casts the C string pointer
to a mutable pointer (as required by randomSign()
). This can be
called as
let result = pin.withOptionalCString { s1 in
tag_signature.withOptionalCString { s2 in
tag_data.withOptionalCString { s3 in
xyz.withOptionalCString { s4 in
randomSign(s1, s2, s3, s4)
Remark: In theory, the problem can be avoided if the signature of randomSign()
is changed to take const char *
unsigned long randomSign(const char *pin, const char *tag_signature, const char *tag_data, const char *xyz);
which one could then simply call as
let result = randomSign(pin, tag_signature, tag_data, xyz)
with optional or non-optional Swift strings. However, this does currently not work, as reported in SR-2814 Swift does not correctly pass in multiple optional strings to C function.