I am currently trying to run jhipster-registry in dev profile to serve the configurations to a jhipster microservice application.
I've followed this official jhipster registry doc and:
have built it from sources, and launched it as follow:
./jhipster-registry-3.0.0.war --spring.profiles.active=dev
And as the doc states, i have put the central-config
directory containing <mymicrosericeappname>-dev.yml
alongside the jhipster-registry generated war file.
When i launch jhipster-registry, everything is ok,
but when i run my microservice application, it connects to the registry (i can see it in the jhipster-registry dashboard), but i realize that it is reading the application-dev.yml file located at src/main/resources/config/ inside the microservice app.
I dont know if i misplaced the central-config folder... That said, i really need to know what's wrong.
Thanks to @GaelMarziou, his answer helped me found why the central-config
was not being rode.
In fact the Spring Cloud Config bootstrap configuration for the "dev" profile bootstrap.yml
file gives this:
uri: https://github.com/jhipster/jhipster-registry-sample-config
search-locations: file:./central-config
So each time i ran jhipster-registry, it was pointing the git repo and not the central-config
To get it work, i had to launch the registry in dev,native profile :
./jhipster-registry-3.0.0.war --spring.profiles.active=dev,native
Nevertheless the documentation states this:
Using the dev profile will run the JHipster Registry with the dev and the native profiles.
Which is not really true... considering my struggling.