I am trying to do Vlookup to return multiple values. However, the function takes really long to load. Is there any way to make it faster ? I got the function from online: https://www.extendoffice.com/documents/excel/2706-excel-vlookup-return-multiple-values-in-one-cell.html
Function MYVLOOKUP(pValue As String, pWorkRng As Range, pIndex As Long)
Dim rng As Range
Dim xResult As String
xResult = ""
For Each rng In pWorkRng
If rng = pValue Then
xResult = xResult & " " & rng.Offset(0, pIndex - 1)
End If
End Function
This is the code in the sub
Sub sort()
Dim x As Integer
Dim result As Variant
Dim name As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
x = 10
Do Until IsEmpty(Sheet9.Cells(x, 1).Value)
name = Sheet9.Cells(x, 1).Value
result = MYVLOOKUP(name, Sheet9.Range("K:M"), 3)
Sheet9.Cells(x, 4).Value = result
x = x + 1
End Sub
When you use Sheet9.Range("K:M")
passed into the UDF as the pWorkRng parameter, it is used in the For Each rng In pWorkRng
loop. This means that you are going to examine three entire columns or 3,145,728 cells; most of which are completely empty and two columns of which are not necessary for a VLOOKUP in any event. Small wonder why things are running slow.
Either cut the range(s) down to the active area of data or use Intersect to trim full column references down to the .UsedRange.
Option Explicit
Function MYVLOOKUP(pValue As String, pWorkRng As Range, pIndex As Long)
Dim rng As Range
Dim xResult As String
xResult = vbnullstring
'the next line trims pWorkRng down to the .UsedRange
Set pWorkRng = Intersect(pWorkRng, pWorkRng.Parent.UsedRange)
'if you only want to examione the first column then use the following
'For Each rng In pWorkRng.columns(1)
'if you want to look through K, L and M for pValues then use this one,
For Each rng In pWorkRng
If rng = pValue Then
xResult = xResult & " " & rng.Offset(0, pIndex - 1)
End If
MYVLOOKUP = trim(xResult)
End Function
I've added an option to only look in the first column. Your comparison is also case-sensitive; you might actually want that but VLOOKUP is typically not case-sensitive.