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How do I escape html tags in javascript?

So here is my simplified code :


<script src = "TestJs.js"></script>
<a onclick="var content = 'one<br>two<br>three' ; showContent(content);">Click here</a>


function showContent(content){

var popup = open("", "PopUp", "width=300,height=200");
var pTag = popup.document.createElement("p");
pTag.innerHTML = content;


Here my requirement is whenever I click on a reference link on page (named Click here) a popup should open and display the content sent through onclick. The above code is working fine and I get popup result in the form


but things go wrong when I try to put angled brackets as text like

<a onclick="var content = '<one><br>two<br>three' ; showContent(content);">Click here</a>

I got the result for above code in the form


i.e text in angled bracket is escaped.

I am aware of the fact that angled brackets are html entities and I need to escape them. I tried to send ASCII for <> i.e &lt; and &gt; through onclick like

<a onclick="var content = '&lt;one&gt;<br>&lt;two&gt;<br>&lt;three&gt;' ; showContent(content);">Click here</a>

but the text get converted to its original form when passed to javascript funtion and subsequently get skipped in popup(i.e. blank popup).

So my questions here are:

  1. How do I escape the html tag in javascript while creating html document?
  2. How ASCII text is converted back to normal text automatically when it is passed as argument to javascript function?


  • Look at what you have.

    1. The character <
    2. Which needs to be expressed (because it is assigned to innerHTML) as HTML so the < has to be written &lt;
    3. But that is embedded inside an HTML attribute, where it will be interpreted as HTML when the HTML parser constructs the attribute value in the DOM. & has special meaning in HTML, so the & must be represented as &amp;

    So &amp;lt;