I'm trying to build an infinite polling in my Http service because I'm building a king of of dashborad who survey data's comming from a servor, here's my code who's almost working (in my console I see the Json comming but it doesn't reflect to my view...I would like to inject in my users: Observable
const usersURL = 'http://my.super.servor.php'
export class UserService {
users: Observable<User[]>
constructor (public http:Http) {
this.users = http.get(usersURL)
genre mobile ou autre
.map(res => [res.json()]);
let i = this.users.subscribe(
usersURL => console.log(usersURL),
() => {}, // Here we catch up errors
() => console.log("completed!") // Here we catch up if its completed
// Here's where I'm trying to do the polling every 5 secondes
let tick$ = Observable.interval(5000);
let response$ =
.flatMap(() => http.get(usersURL))
.map(res => [res.json()]);
let stockPoller = response$.subscribe(res => console.log(res));
You just assign your polling observable to this.users
this.users = tick$.flatMap(() => http.get(usersURL)).map(res => [res.json()]);