How can I decompose an image (e.g. Lena) into magnitude image and phase image and reconstruct it again from those two images using Matlab?
Here is the code I have written in Matlab but I dont know why the reconstructed image is too dark or too bright!
I = imread('lena.png');
I_fft = fft2(I);
I_amp = abs(I_fft);
I_phase = angle(I_fft);
I_fft_recon = I_amp .* exp(I_phase);
I_recon = ifft2(I_fft_recon);
You forgot to multiply the phase by the complex unit j
I_fft_recon = I_amp .* exp(j * I_phase);
Everything else should be just fine.
BTW, you might want to convert the image to double
before processing
I = im2double(I);