I have an function which does ajax call and gets data. The function is similliar to
function loadData(callback) {
//do ajax
if(callback) {
How can i bind this function to the scheduler dataSource? Tried with this
options: {
dataSource: loadData(function(data) {
return data;
and it does return the data i need when i do console.log
in the function but if i want to add another options like views
it expects ; somewhere and it doesnt work
How can i achieve that and render the scheduler with the data?
In order to bind a remote data to dxScheduler I suggest you use the customStore object.
var dataSource = new DevExpress.data.DataSource({
load: function() {
// make ajax request here and return promise
dataSource: dataSource
The demo is here.
More information about DevExtreme data layer is here.