I'm having some problems with my code, the code does compile but when I test the code, I find that if the signature is at the end of the file(or after the middle of the file), the program doesn't work.
int normalScan(char * fileName, char * sign){
int toReturn = 0;
FILE * toScan = fopen(fileName,"rb");
FILE * signature = fopen(sign, "rb");
char * buffer = NULL;
char * secondBuffer = NULL;
int size = 0;
int secondSize = 0;
int elements = 0;
int i = 0;
fseek(signature, 0, SEEK_END);
size = ftell(signature);
fseek(toScan, 0, SEEK_END);
secondSize = ftell(toScan);
buffer = malloc(sizeof(char)*size);
elements = fread(buffer, 1, size, signature);
secondBuffer = malloc(sizeof(char)*size);
elements = fread(secondBuffer, 1, size, toScan);
if (strcmp(secondBuffer, buffer) == 0){
toReturn = 1;
while (fgetc(toScan) != EOF && fgetc(signature) != EOF){
fseek(toScan, -1, SEEK_CUR);
if (fgetc(toScan) == fgetc(signature)){
fseek(toScan, -1, SEEK_CUR);
elements = fread(secondBuffer, 1, size, toScan);
if (strcmp(secondBuffer, buffer) == 0){
toReturn = 1;
strncpy(secondBuffer, "", sizeof(secondBuffer));
return toReturn;
You have 4 problems :
1) You not checking for EOF signature in this scope:
while (!feof(toScan)){
if (fgetc(toScan) == fgetc(signature)){
fseek(signature, 0, SEEK_SET);
You may check fgetc(toScan) and fgetc(signature) for EOF or use !feof(signature). If signature is not present and file have 0 size - you in trouble. You shouldn't rely on case that file will be always have some data
2) Your code possibly contains a algorithm mistake. Check step-by-step your code exectution with debuger or just following the code lines.
3) Check that fopen returns non-zero value; Check that file have been successfully opened.
Also fseek(signature, 0, SEEK_SET); and rewind(signature); can be striped down to rewind(signature) in this case:
while (fgetc(toScan) != EOF && fgetc(signature) != EOF){
// deleted rewind
fseek(toScan, -1, SEEK_CUR);
if (fgetc(toScan) == fgetc(signature)){
fseek(toScan, -1, SEEK_CUR);
elements = fread(secondBuffer, 1, size, toScan);
if (strcmp(secondBuffer, buffer) == 0){
toReturn = 1;
strncpy(secondBuffer, "", sizeof(secondBuffer));
with this:
while (fgetc(toScan) != EOF && fgetc(signature) != EOF){
fseek(toScan, -1, SEEK_CUR);
if (fgetc(toScan) == fgetc(signature)){
// deleted rewind
fseek(toScan, -1, SEEK_CUR);
elements = fread(secondBuffer, 1, size, toScan);
if (strcmp(secondBuffer, buffer) == 0){
toReturn = 1;
strncpy(secondBuffer, "", sizeof(secondBuffer));
because it will always set signature cursor to 0.
4) You looking like you don't fully understands how to code on C. Please read C Reference and read Herbert Schildt books about C. The soulution for you is:
Here some tips for you:
1) Check your algorithm (is it works or not)
2) Rewrite your code (try to accomplish your goal with simple code, use standart std*.h functions)
3) Debug your program with the debuger (use IDE, compiler flags and etc.).