DateTime dtStart = new DateTime(2015,7,28);
LocalDate ldtStart = LocalDate.FromDateTime(dtStart);
DateTime dtEnd = new DateTime(2017, 2, 1);
LocalDate ldtEnd = LocalDate.FromDateTime(dtEnd);
Period period = Period.Between(ldtStart, ldtEnd, PeriodUnits.YearMonthDay);
Result for above:
period.Years -> 1
period.Months -> 6
period.Days -> 4
As you can see the difference i got from Noda Time library.
But i get different result for
Result for above link:
1 years, 6 months, and 1 days
Start Date: 28th July 2015
End Date: 1st Feb 2017
Can someone please tell me that the result i got from noda time plugin is more accurate then the link I provided?
"More accurate" requires a specification of how you want to compute the difference. There's no single right answer here. As documented, Noda Time works element-wise. So if you add 1 year, 6 months and 4 days to 28th July 2015 you get:
The code used for the site is available on the site itself. It looks like that's taking a rather more naïve approach.
In particular, if you ask it how old someone born on January 31st 2017 is on February 1st 2017, they'll say they're -2 days old. I don't think that's right...