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Anychart/Anystock Basic Interface Questions

I'm deciding on whether to choose Anystock to build a financial app and I have a few questions about it for anyone that has experience.

  1. To start with, this link shows technical indicators on the graph, but I always see them being controlled via the Anystock legend within the graph area. I'm wondering if they can be controlled and turned off and on via external events from outsdie js code. I'd like to have my own panel of turning indicators on and off and hide the built in Anystock legend.

  2. Also, when dealing with annotations such as these, I'm wondering if you're able to change the highlight color of the yellow handles which allow you to reshape and move the annotations.

  3. Does anyone have experience with styling the navigator elements on the bottom? Such as the handles used to zoom in and out of the navigator timeline? Is that possible?


    1. Please, take a look at technical indicators demo, it's in the final stage of the development right now. More indicators and minor UI fixes are coming. Also, our technical indicators documentation articles may be useful.

    2. You definitely can change any kind of annotation settings, take a look at Drawing Tools and Annotations Demo. Also documentation articles may be useful.

    3. You can simple use CSS, all navigation elements has an CSS classes so you could override any default settings. Here is a list of CSS classes which as I think the most useful in your case. anychart-range-picker anychart-range-selector anychart-button anychart-label-input anychart-input-label