I am currently working on an assembly program, but I need to make the program wait every once in a while.
So, I have been using int 15h/ah = 86h, but for some reason DosBox is giving me a hard time, and the program either gets confused with pixels (wierd colors) or in the worse case; crash.
Can someone please help me?
I had this issue as well. Based on the answer at Problems with BIOS delay function (INT 15h / AH = 86h), I was able to get it working by making sure to set AL to zero before calling the interrupt:
mov counter, 10
mov cx, 0007H
mov dx, 8480H
mov ah, 86h
mov al, 0
int 15h
mov dl, '*'
mov ah, 02h
int 21h
dec counter
jnz L1
(the program prints 10 *'s, pausing for 1 second between each.) With out the 'mov al, 0', the program would hang or give other undefined behavior while DOSBox spews illegal read/write messages. By setting al to zero, the program works correctly but, strangely, error messages still appear on the DOSBox log.