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Append a prefix to a string in PowerShell/PowerCLI

I'm trying to append a specific suffix to a list of VMs using PowerCLI, the problem is that I'm not able to match the start of the string and replace only that, instead what I'm getting is appending my prefix to every letter of the name.

Here's the code:

$prefix = "SA-"

$VMlist = Get-VApp -Name $vApp | Get-VM

for ($i=0; $i -lt $VMlist.length; $i++) {
    $destVMName = $VMlist[$i].Name -replace $^.Name, $prefix
    $VMlist[$i] | set-vm -Name $destVMName -Confirm:$false -RunAsync:$true

The problem is in the regex

$VMlist[$i].Name -replace $^.Name, $prefix

Here's an example of the output:

PS > $VMlist[0].Name
PS > $VMlist[0].Name -replace $^.Name, $prefix

Desired result would be: SA-Shared_AD_W2012


  • Use an expandable string:

    $prefixedString = "$prefix$($VMlist[0].Name)"

    or regular string concatenation:

    $prefixedString = $prefix + $VMlist[0].Name