$myvar1 = 'this car is most new and fast';
$myvar2 = explode(' ', $myvar1); // slice on spaces
$myvar3 = implode( ',', $myvar2); //add comman
echo $myvar3;
output = this, car, is, most, new, and, fast
But I need this output = this car, is most, new and, fast
I need in pair output.
Thanks all.
$myvar1 = 'this car is most new and fast';
preg_match_all('/([A-Za-z0-9\.]+(?: [A-Za-z0-9\.]+)?)/',
$myvar1,$myvar2); // splits string on every other space
$myvar3 = implode( ',', $myvar2[0]); //add comman
echo $myvar3;
Instead of explode()
, I have used preg_match_all(
) to split the string and implode()
with ','
And here is your output:
this car,is most,new and,fast