I'm working on Sound Handling lately, but I've encountered big problem. What I want to achieve, is to get Playback Time(how long sound has been played till now for example i have 10 sec sound and i pasue it after 3 seconds so i should get value of 7 back). This is my current function:
float MyAudioClass::GetPlaybackTime(UAudioComponent* AComponent, float &PlaybackTime)
if (AComponent)
FAudioDevice* AudioDevice = AComponent->GetAudioDevice();
if (AudioDevice)
FActiveSound* ActiveSound = AudioDevice->FindActiveSound(AComponent->GetAudioComponentID());
if (ActiveSound)
PlaybackTime = ActiveSound->PlaybackTime;
return PlaybackTime;
return 0;
return 0;
return 0;
However when I'm trying to use it, whole engine crashes and I recieve this error:
Assertion failed: IsInAudioThread()
Error lines are in order:
if (ActiveSound) //173
What Am I doing wrong here? If someone is that kind to help me i would really appreciate that :3
As Graeme said, you have to run the code in the audio thread.
Here is a snippet used in AudioComponent.cpp
if (FAudioDevice* AudioDevice = GetAudioDevice())
const uint64 MyAudioComponentID = AudioComponentID;
FAudioThread::RunCommandOnAudioThread([AudioDevice, MyAudioComponentID, InName, InFloat]()
FActiveSound* ActiveSound = AudioDevice->FindActiveSound(MyAudioComponentID);
if (ActiveSound)
ActiveSound->SetFloatParameter(InName, InFloat);
}, GET_STATID(STAT_AudioSetFloatParameter));