I have the following code:
delegate void RefAction(ref Int32 i);// use ref keyword
static RefAction CreateRefGenerator(){
// How to represent typeof(Int32&)type in here??
Type[] types ={ typeof(Int32)};
var dm = new DynamicMethod("RefAction"+Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), null, types, true);
var il = dm.GetILGenerator();
return (RefAction)dm.CreateDelegate(typeof(RefAction));
After running, get the following error:
Because its signature or security transparency is incompatible with the signature or security transparency of the delegate type.
The following normal work:
static RefAction CreateRefGenerator(){
Type[] types = { typeof(Int32).MakeByRefType() };
You have to use the Type.MakeByRefType
method to create your ref type.
Returns a Type object that represents the current type when passed as a ref parameter
Also there is probably an error in your il code: Afaik a dynamic method is always static, therefore the first explicit argument can be found at index zero and not one.