Search code examples

Ebean how to fetch data from multiple tables which have relationship in play framework

I have an sql query that I don't know how I can use it in play framework by fetching records from two different tables:

SELECT a.Id as DriverId, a.names as Drivernames, b.bill_no as driverBillNumber, b.DriverId from drivers a join StoreBook b on a.Id = b.DriverId where a.phone_number ='9889'

I have two mysql tables drivers and Storebook. I am able to get the list of data from StoreBook table but unable to access drivers table for join .

Look my code:

 @Table(name = "StoreBook")
public class Store extends Model {
public Long id;
public String bill_no;
public int amount;
public String Created_at;

public static Model.Finder<Long, Store> find = new Finder(Long.class, Store.class);

public static List<Store> mystore() {
    return find.all();      

Drivers table :

  @Table(name ="drivers")
   public class New_driver extends Model{
  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
   @Column(name = "Id", updatable = false, nullable = false)
   public Long Id;
   public String names;
   New_driver(String names) {     
    this.names = names;
    public static void create(New_driver account) {;

The following code is used in controllers :

    public class showBooks_history extends Controller {
     public static Result (){
    Form<StoreBook> result = form(StoreBook.class);
    return ok(showbooks.render(StoreBook.mystore(), result));

Code I use for view which is HTML Scala template:

     @( formList: List[Store],form: Form[Store]) )
          <table class="table table-striped table-hover">
                                <th>Driver names</th>
                                <th>Bill number</th>
                          @for(i <- Store.mystore()) {
                                    <td><i>names ???</i></td>


  • you don't have relation in your StoreBook with Driver, firstly you should specify relation type (1-1, 1-m, m-m) ex:

    //in model
    public Driver driver;

    then in template:
