Hello fellow programmers
I'm writing a program to C # which manages TAPI library. I will not give the code (unless someone requests it) because it has commands for a software called Softone and is business related. The problem I'm facing is the following:
I want for example when a call comes to perform a function. Quite simple. So I set the event hanlder and call the function but while it is running the result it gives to the program I mentioned (Softone) is wrong. The same function whether executed manually or in any other way gives correct results. I tried to disable the event handler, execute the function, and re-activate the event handler. But this is also a failure.
What I would like is another way to prevent events from falsifying the data of he function. Do you have anything to suggest?
I'm a beginner so please show understanding. Thanks :)
static public void RegisterTapi()
tapi.EventFilter = (int)(
tapi.ITTAPIEventNotification_Event_Event += new TAPI3Lib.ITTAPIEventNotification_EventEventHandler(TapiCall.tapi_ITTAPIEventNotification_Event_Event);
public static void tapi_ITTAPIEventNotification_Event_Event(TAPI3Lib.TAPI_EVENT TapiEvent, object pEvent)
switch (TapiEvent)
ITCallNotificationEvent tcallNotificationEvent = (TAPI3Lib.ITCallNotificationEvent)pEvent;
TAPI3Lib.ITCallInfo a = tcallNotificationEvent.Call;
switch (a.CallState)
case TAPI3Lib.CALL_STATE.CS_OFFERING://A new call has appeared
tapi.ITTAPIEventNotification_Event_Event -= TapiCall.tapi_ITTAPIEventNotification_Event_Event;
tapi.ITTAPIEventNotification_Event_Event += TapiCall.tapi_ITTAPIEventNotification_Event_Event;
public static void ActionOffering()
string sqa_action = *SQL QUERY*
XTable ds_action = XSupport.GetSQLDataSet(sqa_action, null);
if (ds_action.Count > 0)
string caller_action = ds_action.Current["ACTION"].ToString();
XSupport.ExecS1Command(caller_action, null);
As FelixCastor suggested, I checked the thread in which the function I'm calling is running and did not run on the same thread. The change I made in the code was very small.
I declared the dispatcher in the code section that I know will be executed by the main thread.
public static Dispatcher dispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;
I did this because, according to the dοcumentation the dispatcher will "run" on the thread that is declared. So if I wanted to run the function on the main thread, I had to declared it there. Then i wrote this simple line of code that forces the ActionOffering function to run on the dispatcher (main) thread.
dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new InvokeDelegate(ActionOffering));