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How to load Firebase data to Graph Entity? Is there a way to modal the data? With Swift 3

I'm new to CosmicMind and have questions about the data process.

In the CosmicMind CardTableView Sample, the data are read from SampleData of Entity type.

Q1: Is there a way I can load my Firebase Data to Entity? And if so, how to do it? Looks like shouldn't be difficult, as it's JSON already. I'm using Swift 3.2

Q2: Is there a way to modal the Entity?

Thanks a lot!!


  • Welcome to CosmicMind :)

    The easiest way would be to create an import function that takes in your JSON data and maps the key value pairs to properties in an Entity. If there is a type specifier in Firebase, then you can set that as the Entity type. I don't use Firebase, so I can't describe the setup 100%, but here is an example of what you would do, assuming Firebase gives you a unique ID.

    func importFirebase(data: [[String: Any]]) {
        let graph = Graph()
        let search = Search<Entity>(graph: graph).for(types: "User")
        let users = search.sync()
        var index = [Int: Entity]()
        for user in users {
            if let id = user["id"] as? Int {
                index[id] = user
        for json in data {
            if let id = json["id"] as? Int {
                var entity: Entity
                if nil == index[id] {
                    entity = Entity(type: "User")
                } else {
                    entity = index[id]!
                for (k, v) in json {
                    entity[k] = v
    let data = [
        ["type": "User", "id": 1, "name": "Daniel", "age": 33],
        ["type": "User", "id": 2, "name": "Adam", "age": 28],
        ["type": "User", "id": 3, "name": "Sarah", "age": 23]
    importFirebase(data: data)

    This is not necessarily the optimal solution, it should give you an idea though.

    Hope it helps, all the best!