I'm trying to prevent any key from altering the text in a Flex TextArea. I don't want to set the editable property to false, because I want the caret to be visible for a 'current position' indicator, so that the user knows where a search he initiates will start from.
I've added event handlers for change and textInput, as well as keyUp and keyDown that do an 'event.preventDefault' as well as a 'event.stopImmediatePropagation'. This works just fine for most keys, with the exception of backspace and delete.
Is there any way to prevent these from doing anything ?
Hmmm, seems like it really doesn't work in the browser, how about a workaround, not sure if you'll like it but seems to be achieving what you need apart from pasting:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute">
import mx.controls.Alert;
private var _lastSelStart:Number = 0;
private var _lastSelEnd:Number = 0;
private var _lastText:String = null;
private var _prevent:Boolean = false;
private function onKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void {
if ( event.keyCode == 8 || event.keyCode == 46 ) {
if ( !_prevent ) {
_prevent = true;
_lastText = txt.text;
_lastSelStart = txt.selectionBeginIndex;
_lastSelEnd = txt.selectionEndIndex;
private function onKeyUp( event:KeyboardEvent ):void {
if ( _prevent ) {
_prevent = false;
txt.text = _lastText;
_lastText = null;
callLater(txt.setSelection, [_lastSelStart, _lastSelEnd]);
<mx:TextArea keyDown="onKeyDown(event);" keyUp="onKeyUp(event);" width="100%" height="100%"
id="txt" />