I'm using angular-translate to translate my website and it works. But now, I want to show an error dialog when there is a problem (api request). To do that, I've created a service to display a modal with two parameters title and the error message.
One part of the error message is static, so I can translate it directly with angular-translate.
Here my service (errorModal.service.js) :
(function () {
'use strict';
.factory('errorDialog', ['$mdDialog', '$document', '$translatePartialLoader', '$translate', errorDialog]);
/** @ngInject */
function errorDialog($mdDialog, $document, $translatePartialLoaderProvider, $translate)
var service = {
displayError : displayError
// path to i18n folder : /app/core-project/services/i18n/{lang}.json but it can't be used...
return service;
function displayError(title, errorMessage, clickOutsideToClose)
// error_modal.message isn't translated
var message = $translate.instant('error_modal.message') + errorMessage;
console.log(message); // show "error_modal.message"
How can use i18n file in a specific path in this service ?
Thank you very much for your help !
I found the solution. I just added translatePartialLoader provider into my config, specified the folder where to find the translations.
(function ()
'use strict';
/** @ngInject */
function config($translatePartialLoaderProvider)
// Put your custom configurations here
and my errorModal.service.js
(function () {
'use strict';
.factory('errorDialog', ['$mdDialog', '$document', '$translate', errorDialog]);
/** @ngInject */
function errorDialog($mdDialog, $document, $translate)
var service = {
displayError : displayError
return service;
function displayError(statusCode, errorMessage)
var clickOutsideToClose = false;
var title = $translate.instant('core_project.dialog.error.status_code', { statusCode: statusCode });
var message = $translate.instant('core_project.dialog.error.message', { message: errorMessage });