I have a sheet with a large amount of data where each row has a title for a project (F6:F244) and then in a column a bit further along it has the Total Hours spent on each project (V6:V244) along the same row. Is it possible to find the 5 largest values from the Total Hours column and show them in another part of the sheet with their respective project in an adjacent cell?
So far I have been able to get a single project by finding the maximum value in the column by using: =INDEX($F$6:$F$244,MATCH(LARGE($V$6:$V$244,1),$V$6:$V$244,0))
Any help would be appreciated!
I assume the top 5 values should go in 5 different cells. In this case why not use the same formula you already had, but look for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th highest?