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Using generated code in unit tests with maven clean build?

I have a maven project using the JAXWS plugin to generate some code based on a WSDL using wsimport. If I run mvn generate-sources this code gets generated.

In addition I have JUnit unit tests that reference generated classes.

According to the docs on a default install the tests should run after the generate-sources so it should work. However, if I run a build on a clean workspace in eclipse I get NoClassDefFound for one of the generated classes. If you then run the install a second time it works.

This was a bit strange so I exited eclipse and went back to basics on the command line. If I do this sequence I get the NoClassDefFound error:

  1. mvn clean
  2. mvn install

However, if I do the following it works without the error:

  1. mvn clean
  2. mvn clean install

How can this be? I would have thought mvn clean install would be equivalent to mvn clean + mvn install?

Also, when it errors I can see in the console output that the code generation phase has actually run before it does the tests. The class is there but the classloader apparently can't see it.

I don't see any other errors in the console output. Just a few warnings about specifying plugin version numbers and that source files are encoded in cp1252. Nothing exciting.

I did read this question but it didn't help me. I'm using the Java 8 jdk so I'm wondering if there's a bug here.


I'm not sure if the code helps much in this case since you can't run a test build without the full codebase. However, it might help to see the complexity of the pom and the build steps so here is an edited version. I've just renamed a few things to make it more anonymous but functionally it is the same.

Hopefully it will help resolve the questions being asked.

<project    xmlns="" 
            xsi:schemaLocation="" >




        <!-- JAXWS web services -->

        <!-- Spring DI -->

        <!-- Spring integration with JAX-WS -->     

        <!-- JPA Provider (Hibernate) -->

        <!-- DataSource (HikariCP) -->

        <!-- AS400 access -->

        <!-- Logging -->

        <!-- Servlet - provided by container -->


        <!-- Test -->

              <!-- Configuration for generating the jaxws code -->
                    <!-- Exclude these files from the build -->


  • I've been revisiting this project and had another look at the problem. I went through the pom and scrutinized everything looking for things I could trim out or update. In the process I spotted the following plugin.


    I think this must have been copied in from an example somewhere when we were just starting out with maven. The plugin is to execute Java programs during a build which I have no need for and that main class doesn't exist. I've not been getting any build warnings about this though.

    Removing that plugin fixed the problem. This fixed it on the command line, for Eclipse I had to also right click the project and select Maven and then Update project.