so I'll try to build a mobile application with Gluon and JavaFX.
So, i follow this step.
Now I try to generate apk from console, I'm in the root of project and launch
./gradlew clean build
and that's ok, after
./gradlew android
and i get that's error
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong: Failed to capture snapshot of input files for task 'mergeClassesIntoJar' during up-to-date check. /Users/franksisca/Library/Android/sdk/extras/android/support/multidex/library/libs/android-support-multidex.jar (No such file or directory)
Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
How i solve this? Someone has a step-by-step tutorial to build a mobile application with JavaFXPorts?
thanks in advance
It seems android-support-multidex.jar which is necessary for the task 'mergeClassesIntoJar' is not Found. So Go to Sdk Manager.exe, which is located in the root of ANDROID_HOME, and update all the repositories. And run the gradle clean build.
This should probably Work.