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How can I execute bash command line in Exec resource type?

I have this Exec declaration:

    exec { 'Normalize MP3 filename':
            environment => ["t=0"],
            command => 'for i in *mp3; do  mv -v $i track_`seq -f "%03g" $t $t`.mp3 ; t=`expr $t + 1`; done',
            cwd     => "$resource_path/res/raw",
    } ->

When my manifest runs it get this error:

Error: Could not find command 'for'
Error: /Stage[main]/Make_it::App_mp3files/Exec[Normalize MP3 filename]/returns: change from notrun to 0 failed: Could not find command 'for'


  • The default exec provider on *nix OSes is posix, which does not support shell built-ins such as for. You should change the provider to shell to use shell built-ins.

    exec { 'Normalize MP3 filename':
            environment => ["t=0"],
            command => 'for i in *mp3; do  mv -v $i track_`seq -f "%03g" $t $t`.mp3 ; t=`expr $t + 1`; done',
            cwd     => "$resource_path/res/raw",
            provider => 'shell',
    } ->