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Why is a function not an object?

I read in the standards n4296 (Draft) § 1.8 page 7:

An object is a region of storage. [ Note: A function is not an object, regardless of whether or not it occupies storage in the way that objects do. —end note ]

I spent some days on the net looking for a good reason for such exclusion, with no luck. Maybe because I do not fully understand objects. So:

  1. Why is a function not an object? How does it differ?
  2. And does this have any relation with the functors (function objects)?


  • A lot of the difference comes down to pointers and addressing. In C++¹ pointers to functions and pointers to objects are strictly separate kinds of things.

    C++ requires that you can convert a pointer to any object type into a pointer to void, then convert it back to the original type, and the result will be equal to the pointer you started with². In other words, regardless of exactly how they do it, the implementation has to ensure that a conversion from pointer-to-object-type to pointer-to-void is lossless, so no matter what the original was, whatever information it contained can be recreated so you can get back the same pointer as you started with by conversion from T* to void * and back to T*.

    That's not true with a pointer to a function though--if you take a pointer to a function, convert it to void *, and then convert it back to a pointer to a function, you may lose some information in the process. You might not get back the original pointer, and dereferencing what you do get back gives you undefined behavior (in short, don't do that).

    For what it's worth, you can, however, convert a pointer to one function to a pointer to a different type of function, then convert that result back to the original type, and you're guaranteed that the result is the same as you started with.

    Although it's not particularly relevant to the discussion at hand, there are a few other differences that may be worth noting. For example, you can copy most objects--but you can't copy any functions.

    As far as relationship to function objects goes: well, there really isn't much of one beyond one point: a function object supports syntax that looks like a function call--but it's still an object, not a function. So, a pointer to a function object is still a pointer to an object. If, for example, you convert one to void *, then convert it back to the original type, you're still guaranteed that you get back the original pointer value (which wouldn't be true with a pointer to a function).

    As to why pointers to functions are (at least potentially) different from pointers to objects: part of it comes down to existing systems. For example, on MS-DOS (among others) there were four entirely separate memory models: small, medium, compact, and large. Small model used 16 bit addressing for either functions or data. Medium used 16 bit addresses for data, and 20-bit addresses for code. Compact reversed that (16 bit addresses for code, 20-bit addresses for data). Large used 20-bit addresses for both code and data. So, in either compact or medium model, converting between pointers to code and pointers to functions really could and did lead to problems.

    More recently, a fair number of DSPs have used entirely separate memory buses for code and for data and (like with MS-DOS memory models) they were often different widths, converting between the two could and did lose information.

    1. These particular rules came to C++ from C, so the same is true in C, for whatever that's worth.
    2. Although it's not directly required, with the way things work, pretty much the same works out to be true for a conversion from the original type to a pointer to char and back, for whatever that's worth.