I want to implement Incremental loading in MasterDetailsView
. I know we can implement Incremental loading with ISupportIncrementalLoading
. But one problem I don't have all the items in the ObservableCollection
at once. The items in ObservableCollection
will be added only when the user reach the end of the MasterDetailsView.ItemTemplate
I have already created a function to load more Items in ObservableCollection
but I want to call that function only when the user reaches the end of the MasterDetailsView.ItemTemplate
So how do I do it?
We can implement Incremental loading with Incremental Loading Collection
using Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp;
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public class PeopleSource : IIncrementalSource<Person>
private readonly List<Person> people;
public async Task<IEnumerable<InfoOverView>> GetPagedItemsAsync(int pageIndex, int pageSize, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
return AddItems();
public void AddItems()
//Code to add the additional items in the people List
return people;
//In Page.xaml.cs
public Page()
var collection = new IncrementalLoadingCollection<PeopleSource, Person>();
MasterDetailsViewPanel.ItemsSource = collection;