I am facing a lot of trouble while updating my application from play 2.3.x to play 2.4.11.
I started by updating play-slick from version 0.8.1 to 1.1.1, which implies updating slick from 2.1.0 to 3.1.0.
I have a generic class which aggregates the basic method like findById.
The problem I am facing at this moment is:
I had this method working as well:
def existsById(id: Long)(implicit s: Session): DBIO[Boolean] =
tableReference.filter(_.id === id).exists.result
I decided to use compiled queries, so I did as following:
private val queryById = Compiled((id: Rep[Option[Long]]) => tableReference.filter(_.id === id))
def existsById(id: Option[Long])(implicit s: Session): DBIO[Boolean] =
and now, I am getting an error saying that
Cannot resolve symbol exists
Am I doing it wrong? or is it a bug?
After you've "lifted" a Query
into a Compiled
you have to use map
to transfrom it to a diferent Query
. For example:
val existsById = queryById.map(q => (id: Rep[Long]) => q(id).exists)